The Third Asian-Pacific Regional Conference of Theatre School Directors UNESCO Chair ITI 20/05/2010

The Third Asian-Pacific Regional Conference of Theatre School Directors UNESCO Chair ITI will be held at STA on May 22rn and 3rd. The participating Member schools including 16 institutes from China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Mongolia, Malaysia, Philippine, New Zealand, Australia, Taipei, Hong kong, and Romania.
This event is co-hosted by UNESCO Chair ITI and Shanghai Theatre Academy. The Asia Pacific Bureau (APB) aims to build up a high- end platform for collaboration, exchange, research and theatre festivals, and through the endeavor of the past two years, APB is now becoming an internationally well-known brand for culture, theatre and educational exchange. We believe that this conference will build us a closer relationship between the member schools, create more possibilities for future collaboration and promote the diversity of theatre education in the Asia-Pacific region.
Our agenda including:

As India’s National School of Drama will host the second Asia-Pacific Expo of Theatre Schools next January in New Delhi, we will discuss and pin down its details.  

A master plan of the APB website will be discussed and adopted. Each member school’s correspondent will be confirmed. The correspondents’ duties will be discussed and approved.

Bilateral tutor exchanges as well as student exchanges for short courses will be discussed.

A possible module for summer schools that addresses the need of students from different cultures wanting an introduction to the theatre culture of another country from our region will be discussed.
The representatives will also visit the shanghai World Expo, and watch Chinese theatre performances to further understand the country-China.
| Updated:2010.05.20    Clicks:292