Resolution no. 1 of 2010

Resolution no. 1
of the Asia Pacific Bureau of the UNESCO Chair ITI
adopted by the Third Theatre School Directors’ Conference in Shanghai, May 23, 2010
Establishing a close and efficient Communication Network with the APB Website
Prof.  Gong Baorong introduces the current proposal of the APB website, and hands the word over to its creator Mr. Chen Yong Dong and Xu JiaLi, responsible editor and contact person.
During the discussion the following decisions were made:
The APB Website
Many changes concerning the layout of the opening page were suggested and adapted instantly by Mr. Chen. For further improvements of the design of the website a subgroup consisting of Prof. A Rahman Mohamed, Prof. Aubrey Meller, Mr. Chen Yong Dong and Ms. Xu JiaLi was formed.
The APB Website as a platform
In order to increase communication as well as create a functioning network among the member schools of APB, each school should appoint a Contact responsible for sending information to the responsible editor of the webpage, Ms. Xu JiaLi.  
Before June 30, 2010, each contact person should submit basic information about their respective school written in English. The basic information should include; a brief introduction of the school, a timetable for events of international importance or interest, and some photo(s).
Information regarding teachers of special skills who are willing to give international Master Classes shall also be submitted. This information should include; a short bio of the teacher, a clear title of the class, brief description of its content, duration in days or weeks, amount of teaching hours required, preferred number of students, participating and a brief description on what kind of presentation can be expected as a result of the course.
The end of every two months (June, August, October…) is a deadline of submitting new or updating such information that frequently needs to be updated, for example regarding each schools events (both photos and text). 
Each member school should reserve some space on their homepage for promotion of the APB website. Every member school has the right to use the logo of APB on their website.
| Updated:2019.10.31    Clicks:26