President of OISTAT,lighting professor of Stanford University,Prof. Michael Ramsaur came to Shanghai Theater Academy to visit, teach and conduct workshop of lighting design through October19 to 24. At the same time, professor and head of the MFA design program in the Department of Theater and Dance at University of California, Davis Prof. John Iacovelli conducts workshop of stage design. They are bringing us the latest information in the American stage design and lighting design field.
On the afternoon of October 20, the two professors collaborated on a comprehensive lesson on stage design, lighting design, special effects and stage technology to the stage design majors and lighting design majors. The lesson was popular with the students. The two professors will continue to teach in STA till October 24.
Prof. Michael Ramsaur and Prof. John Iacovelli giving a lesson to the students
Recently, Executive Vice President Prof. Han Sheng met the two American experts. They discussed the cooperation and communication between Shanghai Theater Academy and OISTAT in the field of education and stage equipment.
Prof. Michael Ramsaur and Prof. John Iacovelli with teachers and students of STA