Drama Singing Star and Orang written by Zhao Yaomin, famous playwright of STA Dramatic Literature Department, directed by Hong Bin, teacher of Acting Department and performed by Class 06 students of Musicals is departing today to participate in Chinese Theatre Festival in Taiwan.
The performance group’s leader is Liu Zhigang, Vice President of STA. Jin Yonglin, Director of the Academy Office, Long Junjie, Director of Acting Department, other teachers and officials of Acting Department, Stage Design Department and Performing Centre led the students to the theatre festival.
Singing Star and Orang is a special drama on Shanghai theatre stages. Prof. Xiong Yuanwei directed the first performance. To enhance the mutual communication of mainland and Taiwan and expand the practice field for students, Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre and our academy decided to re-perform the drama by our academy and perform in Chinese Theatre Festival in Taiwan in late February.
On the afternoon of January 20, Singing Star and Orang acted by Class 06 students of Musicals in Acting Department had its rehearsal. Han Sheng, Executive Vice President, Liu Zhigang, Vice President, Yang Shaolin, General Manager of Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre, Jin Yonglin, Director of the Academy Office, Long Junjie, Director of Acting Department, Zhang Jun, Deputy Director of Teaching Affairs Office and other leaders watched the rehearsal.
On the night of February 20, the drama had its final rehearsal before departure. Leaders and experts such as Han Sheng, Liu Zhigang, William Huizhu Sun, Yang Shaolin, and Rong Guangrun watched the rehearsal and brought forward constructive suggestions on how to improve the performance.
On the morning of February 23, leaders of our academy Lou Wei, Han Sheng, Liu Zhigang and others held a sending off ceremony in the conference room in Foxi Building. They hoped that teachers and students of the group would finish the performing task seriously and passionately and become the friendly messenger of the mutual cultural communication.
Performance of Singing Star and Orang